Designed by GoodWillHunting,Inc. in Korea / Published by KS Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd.(Kyongnam Sunghoon Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd) in India
⊙ Who is your favorite movie star?
- Shahrukh Khan vs Salman Khan vs Amir Khan vs Lee Min Ho
⊙ Who is the most beautiful actress in India?
- Aishwarya Rai vs Deepika Padukone vs Priyanka Chopra vs Anushka Sharma
◎ Politics
⊙ What political party do you support?
- Congress vs BJP vs Others
⊙ Who is the best politician in India?
- Narendra Modi vs Rahul Gandhi vs Arvind Kejriwal vs Rajni Kant
⊙ World’s best cricket team in the world?
- India vs Pakistan vs Australia vs England
⊙ World’s best Kabaddi team in the world?
- India vs Pakistan
⊙ What is the most exciting moment for a man?
- First Love vs First Car
⊙ Where is the best place for dating?
- Cafe vs Theater
◎ Fashion / Beauty
⊙Please recommend good outfits for going out(for women)
- Jeans & top vs Kurti
⊙What is the best cosmetics brand for women?
- Maybelline vs Lakme
A lot of fun-filled votes are waiting for you!
(politics, sports, celebrities, love / dating, fashion / beauty, food, music, movies, health and more!)
▶ The Lokmat app is very great for… ◀
1. When you need someone's recommendation and advice
- What should I buy? What should I eat today? What should I give as a gift?
- Ask millions of people in a moment to decide!
- Receive recommendations in real time, and solve the problem!
2. Businesses / students / organizations that need a free surveying tool
- Surveying through friends or acquaintances is limited.
- ★Anyone can easily get millions of responses from the Lokmat app!★
- Do not spend a penny for your survey. It is free if you download Lokmat app
3. Those who are bored or simply need a quick break
▶Main benefits of Lokmat◀
◇ Quick Membership ◇
◇ Easy to make survey ◇
No joke. You can set up your questions in a mere 20 seconds! Easily ask millions of people about celebrities, travel, love or whatever your heart desires!
You can also choose the type of audience (including gender, age, occupation, geographical area, etc.)!
◇ Easy to vote ◇
Voting takes just 1 second. It's easy to set up the survey, but even easier to choose your answers!
◇ Real-time reports◇
All reports are visible in real time!
Check any rankings with easy, using the voting results!
You can also get more detailed statistics with filter functions such as gender, age, occupation, and geographical area, etc.
◇ Quick survey by using your smartphone lock screen ◇
Just swipe the unlock icon and you can make your selection!
★ Completed patent applications in India and many other countries ★